Best Christmas Tree For…

We think it’s about time Christmas trees got some recognition, so we’re going to give out some gratuitous and self-indulgent awards… introducing: the Send Me a Christmas Tree Awards (SMACTAs). Drumroll please… 🥁

Best Christmas tree for: Needle Retention Small Spaces Cats / Dogs Smell / Scent Hanging Ornaments Allergies Wow Factor

The best Christmas tree for keeping its needles

There could be no other winner, it has to be Britain’s number one selling Christmas tree, the original non-drop, it is of course the Nordman Fir. When it comes to needle retention the Nordman is as resilient as Rocky Balboa, it’ll go the full 12 rounds of Christmas and then some.

If you like to put your tree up relatively early, or near a heat source like a radiator, then you definitely want a non-drop variety to keep your tree looking as fresh as possible. The Nordman, Sussex Fir and Fraser Firs are all great choices.

WINNERNordman Fir

Honourable mentions: Sussex Fir, Fraser Fir

The best Christmas tree for small spaces

If you have a space where height isn’t an issue but width is at a premium, then you need a slim tree. The best choice for you may be the Serbian Spruce. It’s the King of Slim, a dainty and pretty little tree with a great smell to boot – ideal for small apartments and houses.

If you just need a tree that’s on the slimmer side, rather than ultra-space-saving, then the Sussex Fir or Fraser Fir are great choices.
WINNERSerbian Spruce

Honourable mentions: Sussex Fir, Fraser Fir

The best Christmas tree for cats & dogs

Let’s face it, if your furry friend walks in one day to find you’ve put a tree in the living room, they’re going to take an interest. Cats in particular seem to love to take up residence within the branches of your tree and wait for the opportune moment to scare you.

The main consideration is that you have a decent Christmas tree stand to keep your tree from toppling, but softer needles and less of a scent can also make the tree less interesting. For that reason we think the best Christmas tree for cats is the Nordman Fir. You could get a super spiky Blue Spruce and they’ll soon learn not to paw at it… but that’s a bit mean.
WINNERNordman Fir

Honourable mention: Douglas Fir

The best Christmas tree for smell

It’s a big prize and a tough decision. We really have some hot contenders in this category – from the citrus notes of the Sussex and Fraser Firs, to the nostril-thumping freshness of the Blue Spruce, the SMACTA panel found themselves torn on our best-smeller.

Head judge Farmer Tom has the casting vote, and we all know he’s a sucker for tradition…. our winner is the Norway Spruce. It’s the classic piney Christmas tree smell that hits you when you walk in the room, and it’s hard to beat.
WINNERNorway Spruce

Honourable mentions: Blue Spruce, Sussex Fir

The best Christmas tree for hanging ornaments

If you’ve got a box in the loft that’s teeming full of baubles and festive ornaments you’ve collected over the years, all vying for a place on this year’s tree, you’re going to want a variety that can handle it. We’ve plumped for the Fraser Fir – the branches grow a little more upwards and are fairly firm, so can take a bit of weight.

The Norway Spruce is also a good choice, as is the Blue Spruce, although the latter is very spiky so the actual decoration process needs to be done with care! The only tree we’d suggest avoiding if you’re big on baubles is the Douglas Fir – it’s delicate branches are more suited to tinsel.
WINNERFraser Fir

Honourable mentions: Norway Spruce, Blue Spruce

The best Christmas tree for allergy sufferers

For many people, the joy of a real Christmas tree is marred a little by the knowledge that it might bring with it watery eyes and a stuffy, sneezy nose. Whilst any natural product could cause some irritation, your choice of tree might help to avoid the worst allergy symptoms.

Whilst we can’t speak for all allergies (disclaimer alert), as a general rule the less of a scent the tree has, the less likely it is to trigger allergies. For that reason, it’s yet another award to the Nordman Fir.
WINNERNordman Fir

Honourable mention: Sussex Fir

The best Christmas tree for wow factor

If you’re after something a little bit different, to make your friends a teeny bit jealous, consider going for the magnificent Blue Spruce. It’s a full tree, with a superb room-filling scent and a greeny-blue tinge to it’s needles, and it can be a little hard to find at your usual Christmas tree outlets.

Special mention too to the traditional Norway Spruce; whilst more and more people opt for the non-drop varieties these days, we still think it’s hard to beat the fullness, shape and smell of a traditional spruce.
WINNERBlue Spruce

Honourable mention: Norway Spruce

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Goddenwick Farm,
Ardingly Road,
West Sussex,
RH16 2QX

Tel: 01444 707360
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