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Why Buy a Real Christmas Tree?

For many people, the Christmas tree is an essential part of their festive traditions. And a real Christmas tree is really the only choice you should make when it comes to this important seasonal centrepiece for your home.

Here’s our guide to why you should buy a real Christmas tree, instead of an artificial one.Why Buy a Real Christmas Tree

The smell – Having the scent of fresh pine in your home is another great smell to associate with Christmas, just like roast Turkey, cinnamon and Brandy Butter. And if you choose a variety like the Blue Spruce then the scent is a very pleasant orangey citrus.

Real trees look better – A nicely decorated real Christmas tree can really look good in your living room, whereas an artificial one just looks, well, artificial!

Your carbon footprint – will be small by purchasing a real Christmas tree, but artificial trees have a big carbon footprint, due to high use of fossil fuels in production and transportation. Artificial trees are mainly produced in the Far East, which is a lot of miles to travel to reach shops in the UK.

An acre of Christmas tree plantations such as the ones our trees come from produces the daily level of oxygen for 16 people…..And what do artificial trees produce? Well only noxious gases; when people burn them as rubbish!

Recyclable –Although a cut real tree is only used for one Christmas, the brilliant thing is that they are completely recyclable and biodegradable. You can recycle your tree at thousands of places across the UK that are local to you. Recycled trees have many uses – we use ours to build fences on our plantations.

Sadly artificial trees are non- biodegradable. If you throw one away it will not disintegrate. Ever.

Real trees are a sustainable crop. We are constantly planting new trees from seedling every year to ensure our sustainability. There’s no sustainability with artificial trees – just more and more plastics being produced across the globe. And finally a superb reason for getting a real Christmas tree is that you can buy British and directly help support our economy.

Why not buy a real Christmas tree today and have it delivered free of charge to your own front door, within 48 hours. Our trees are hand-grown on our Sussex tree plantation. We cut them to order and send them out for you to enjoy in your home this Christmas!

Don’t forget to check out our Products page for more info

Author: Will,
September 20, 2019

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Brought to you by Sussex Christmas Trees

Goddenwick Farm,
Ardingly Road,
West Sussex,
RH16 2QX

Tel: 01444 707360
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