We don't currently offer a weekend delivery service, so please only request a weekday date.
To ensure we have time to fulfil your order, we need at least 4 business days to turn it around! So please don’t amend your date to sometime in the next 4 business days.
We start the process of prepping orders 4 business days before your preferred delivery date, so after this point we can't make any changes to your order. Before then, you can use the options below to request a delivery date change or just to add delivery instructions (such as leave safe notes) to your order.
So long as your order is still 'processing', you can now change your preferred delivery date by logging in to manage your order.
Enter your email address below (make sure it's the one you used for the order) and we'll ping you a magic link. Click on the order and you should have the option to change the date. If not, it may be that your order is already booked and going through the picking and packing process.
If you have any trouble changing your date, just get in touch!
If you just need to add some delivery instructions, such as leave safe instructions, just fill out the form below.
Please do not use this form to request a change of date, instead use the options above.